Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday 10-9-10

Weather is the topic here.  The colors are showing beautifully under sunny, blue skies.  Pumpkins are on sale all over town and kids are playing soccer.  Sounds ideal, and it is.  They say winter is coming and I'd better gear up with warm clothing.  I do remember the white stuff from years back and so don't think I'll be too surprised.

After Lauryn's winning soccer game Saturday (2-1) she and I drove into Clare near the highway where north-bound traffic meets main street.  Amish folks had set up their fall wares.  I bought bread and butter pickles from the table shown below.  Also, after Lauryn eyed the peanut butter mixed with Karo syrup, I sprung for that, too.. Later, Paula said it tasted like peanut butter fudge.  This was at the McDonald's parking lot.  Smart marketing! Below, see Amish fellow in conversation with an Englisher. (That may not be the correct word.) The horse was nearby, resting in the shade.

Then we traveled a short distance to another Amish outdoor market and got homemade noodles.  I snapped a couple pics by the flowers, displayed for sale, of course.  Below, see smiling faces.

Click on pics for a closer look.

To finish off the morning we checked out the McIreland Nature Trail.  That took care of my now-promised 20-30 minute daily walk.

All in all, a pretty good morning.   'Til later.....

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